Community Engagement
Kiwanians in the community.
Mukilteo Food Bank
In December, 2021 we began volunteering regularly for shifts at the food bank. There are members who help distribute food to families who are eligible for food supplements. Others fill grocery bags of staples, canned goods, and hygiene products.
As a result of the pandemic in 2020, the numbers of families in need skyrocketed, and it continues to elevate the number of eligible recipients. In addition, an influx of new families in Mukilteo, resulted from the conflict in Ukraine.
This is why we volunteer at the food bank. The need is great. We encourage community members to support this endeavor.
Highway Cleanup
Three times a year the club adopts a portion of road in the Mukilteo city limits, and volunteers to clean garbage and debris from the sidewalks and surrounding areas. We take pride in our community and it is important to us, to maintain the area where we work, live, and play.
Mukilteo Community Garden
Each year, members don their gloves, bring their gardening tools and head to the garden in April for an annual clean-up. We bring many of our Key Club members (high school students that we mentor and support). Showing our teens how to “build community” through service, is part of the Key Club model. Working along side these young people benefits both members and students! The ancilliary benefit is that the Community Garden provides residents an opportunity to grow whatever they choose. They can rent space and raise veggies or flowers, or whatever takes their fancy. A portion of the garden is set aside and the vegetables and fruit grown in this area are donated to the Mukilteo Food Bank.
Clothes for Kids
At the close of each school year, members volunteer to visit each building in the Mukilteo School District to collect clothes, hats, gloves, etc. that are in the Lost and Found. Several truck loads of clothing were transported to Clothes for Kids in Lynnwood.
Camp Killoqua
We have partnered for years with Camp Killoqua, a Camp Fire program that provides an outdoor experience to adults and youth. This program focuses on appreciating the world around us, promotes collaborative skills and group environments. Participants of assorted backgrounds, ethnicities, abilities, and experiences are welcomed every year.
During the pandemic we were unable to volunteer our services, but in May, 2022 we returned in force, and spent a day sprucing the campground for the summer session. We look forward to a continued relationship with Camp Killoqua.
Christmas House
Christmas House is a non-profit in Everett that provides a shopping opportunity for qualifying families in Snohomish County. Parents are paired with a shopping partner and can select gifts for their children. In 2021, over 2,000 families enjoyed gifts through this program.
20 Kiwanis members and Key Club students will be a “shopping partner” during the 2022 season.